
Order Iowa Barns

Iowa Barns - yesterday and today

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Iowa Barns yesterday and today  takes the reader on a tour of all 99 Iowa counties with 800 color photos of barns, silos, corncribs, homes and businesses.  The photo tour is accompanied by stories from owners, their descendants, and neighbors which portray these structures' diversity - past and present. It is the result of a study that began 38 years ago and resumed in 2012. The scope of this book exceeds that of any other publication. 294 pages. 800 color photos. 8 1/2 X 11" softcover.

Cost: $29.95 each
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About the Author

Karlene Kingery grew up on a farm in northwest Marshall County near St. Anthony. Living in the country was near and dear to her as she treasured the farm life, her family, butterflies, flowers, sunsets, and the stars. After a teaching career she spent six years assembling this book. She will continue to encourage preservation of these structures for future generations to use and enjoy.

Order Iowa Barn book


45 years ago

Forty-five years ago in January 1980 I took the photo of this barn and trees coated with rime ice located along Highway 34 west of Kent near the Union County-Adams County border. Abandoned for many years, it was torn down several months after this photo was taken. Another view of this scene can be found …

Christmas greetings

This foursome was found in an Omaha hospital gift shop and took up residence in our house. Modeled after the town musicians of Bremen, Germany, these animals, common on the farm, work for a living. They provide humor, happiness, and honor where they live, and thrive in the world outdoors.  The regal rooster on the …